TMI Tuesday – ‘Tis the Season

posted by Jen
  1. During the December holiday season, Do you:

    1. Go away to join other family?
    2. Have holiday fun with immediate family?
    3. Get to be alone with a lover?
    4. Enjoy the peace and quiet and down-time of being with yourself?

    During the holiday season I have always spent it with family. Some years it is my family, some years it is my boyfriends family.

  2. What is your favorite holiday tradition or thing that you like to do every holiday season?

    There are a couple. My favorite family tradition (my family) is on the 20th of December we all (Mom and my brother and sister) get together and make the holiday treats together. We make one a day together.

    My favorite tradition between my boyfriend and I is that we always go out about the day we plan to put up our tree and each pick out a new ornament to place on the tree.

  3. You are walking down the street and a sexy person is standing with a sign that says “Kiss Me” and mistletoe hanging above their head.

    1. Would you kiss that person? YES or NO
    2. Why or why not?

    I think it would depend. If I knew the person, I probably would. If I didn’t know the person, I probably would not because I don’t know them. Outside of the internet I am generally a shy person, and kissing someone I didn’t know would never cross my mind.

  4. Santa made up his list and he has checked it twice. Turns out you are on the “naughty” list. What is the naughty thing you did that put you on that list?

    Oh lord! I’m sure there would be several to choose from. Most of which would have to do with having sex in other peoples beds!

  5. For being naughty you have been locked in a room where you will be forced to learn about holiday cheer. You will have to watch 24 hours of a holiday movie, which movie would you choose to watch? (pick just one)

    1. A Christmas Story
    2. It’s a Wonderful Life
    3. White Christmas
    4. A Christmas Carol (original 1938 version or the 1992 Muppet version)

    I would probably pick White Christmas. It’s actually a staple in our house at Christmas.

TMI Tuesday


  • Going out and choosing new decorations for your tree sounds quite nice. We rarely buy new decorations at my mum’s because she has loads from when we were kids.

    Having sex in other people’s beds is so naughty! You deserve the punishment from Santa :P
    SubReiSkyeM recently posted…TMI Tuesday: ‘Tis the SeasonMy Profile

  • hmmmm, having trouble posting my comment….. thanks for playing!
    Pagan Princess recently posted…Friday Fiction: the meteor showerMy Profile

  • Great answers! Your answers to #2 were very sweet. Your answer to #4 turned us on. Your answer to #5 made us happy; seems like very few people we know have seen White Christmas. :)
    Jack and Jill recently posted…TMI Tuesday: December 11, 2012 – ‘Tis the SeasonMy Profile

  • Oh, I love your answer to #4! ;)
    Penny recently posted…Santa Claus GirlMy Profile

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