TMI Tuesday posted by Jen

TMI Tuesday: Fantasy Anyone?

  1. Do you think that acting out a fantasy can sometimes cause damage to a relationship?

    I think it honestly depends on what the fantasy is and who the people involved are. If there is enough of an understanding between the people involved, and if everything is done in a safe way with every ones concent, it should not harm anyone or anything.

  2. Some couples role play their fantasies rather than introducing another person into the relationship to live out their fantasies. Do you think that this is an acceptable substitute?

    I don’t think that including other people in a relationship, particularly to act out a fantasy is a problem. If a couple feels that it’s better to keep things between them and not introduce a third party, than who am I to say that is wrong?

  3. Is there a particular movie or TV series or character from a movie or TV series that you fantasise about?


  4. Apart from the obvious things like child abuse, are there some things that are ‘off limits’ for a fantasy e.g. incest fantasies, age play, rape fantasies. Why/ why not?

    Any of those would be off limits for to participate in. I do not think I would get pleasure out of any of those scenarios and thusly would not participate in them.

  5. What is the most taboo thing you have ever fantasised about doing?

    Honestly I don’t think any of my fantasies are really that taboo. I don’t really have interest in rape fantasies or anything of that nature.

  6. Tell us about a fantasy that you have that you don’t ever see yourself actually acting out. Why do you think you will never act it out?

    None. If I have one, I act on it. What fun would it be to fantasise without acting?!?

  7. Have you ever pretended the person you were having sex with was someone else without telling them?


  8. Have you ever tried to make a fantasy a reality only to have it fail miserably? What happened?

    I’ve never had this happen. Usually I spend a lot of time planning things out just so things wont fail :D

  9. Tell us about your most cherished fantasy. Did you ever live it out? Please give us all the juicy details because that is the kind of people we are.

    My favorite I will keep to myself. The secrecy makes it even better ;)

TMI Tuesday


  • Your answer to the first question is almost exactly like my own. What works for one individual or couple may not work for another. The nature of the fantasy being explored is a huge factor in my opinion.

    Sounds like we have a bit in common with you, judging by your answers! :)

  • WHICH Batman? :D

    • Modern comic book batman, michael keaton, christian bale, or all of them!

  • Batman…he didn’t come to mind when I answered this question on my blog, but now that you mention it, hell yea, Batman is hot, especially Christian Bale as Batman! :)

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