During the December holiday season, Do you: Go away to join other family? Have holiday fun with immediate family? Get to be alone with a lover? Enjoy the peace and...Read More
Do you think that acting out a fantasy can sometimes cause damage to a relationship? I think it honestly depends on what the fantasy is and who the people involved...Read More
When is the last time you or your loved one had their prostate checked? As of this moment, my boyfriend has not had his prostate checked. Besides a medical professional,...Read More
This week the TMI Tuesday questions, from heelsnstocking.blogspot.com, have a mustache theme and a request for you to join in, even if it’s just a little self checking. Ladies –...Read More
TMI Tuesday – The LONG and the SHORT of it What is the longest relationship you have been in? My current relationship, 5 years. What is the shortest relationship you...Read More