TMI Tuesday – The LONG and the SHORT of it
What is the longest relationship you have been in?
My current relationship, 5 years.
What is the shortest relationship you have been in?
3 weeks
How often do you have sex? How often do you want sex?
Both answers are virtually the same. When I want sex I have it
How long does sex usually last?
That depends on how worked up we are. It could last for 5 minutes if we are really worked up or an hour if we tease and play with each other
Have you ever had an experience where someone couldn’t perform, finished too quickly or couldn’t keep up with you? Tell us about it?
No, not really. There have been times when the condom has become to tight and we have to finish by masturbating together.
If you could only have one “type” of sexual encounter for the rest of your life, would you prefer
- short and sweet
- wham bam thank you ma’am
- here for the long haul
- slow and tender
wham bam thank you ma’am
Bonus: Would you consider ending an otherwise healthy and loving relationship if the sex wasn’t what you wanted?
No. If I am not getting the sex I want, I will speak up and say so.